Sunday, October 2, 2016

It's actually working...

Hello world, 

I have been gone for a while figuring out the "universal power". I got the first notion of how it works just a few days ago. After reading so many self-help books, you would think I have it down to a T by now. But this is not as easy as it sounds. Documentaries and books like "The Secret" where they make the law of attraction seem like a piece of cake. When in actuality is it NOT EASY! Training your mind to think differently is the hardest thing anyone can ever do. 

We all have years and years of conditioning to undo if we want to get in line with positive thinking. I know I do. I already mentioned how I have constantly bashed myself for making mistakes; the hurting and demeaning, everything the opposite of love. But in order for us to all be creators of our own path, turn thoughts into matter, and manifest our happiness and joy, we must first uncondition ourselves out of this way of life. 

This post is not about how to uncondition ourselves, but just a simple FACT that it works! Everyone is different, and our minds all work differently. This is what works for me: 

1. Set an intention filled with desire. Visualize and affirm! 
2. Continue visualization and affirmations filled with happiness and positivity. 
3. Then before I get too obsessed...let it go! 

Because sooner than you know it, the happiness and positivity will turn into obsession and negativity! Filled with worry and regret! The last part is very important for me to do, I cannot fully manifest if I continue visualizing. BUT LET ME TELL YOU, it is the most difficult thing to do! 

Have you ever tried to stop thinking about something that you want SO badly? The trick is to stay "busy"...busy in the sense that you continue living yourself and doing wonderful things! Pretty soon, the positivity connected to what you are doing will be connected to your desires and BOOM you will get what you wanted! Try it! =) 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Procrastination often gets in the way

Hello Universe...

Today I want to discuss procrastination. We all have been there right? In fact I am procrastinating right NOW by writing this post! I should be working on my 60 page paper but instead I want to write about procrastination. Quite IRONIC actually -__-

The universal power teachings tell us to SEIZE THE DAY! DO IT NOW! DO NOT WAIT!. But honestly sometimes we can't really help but procrastinate. I remember in college, I would always be that girl who pulled all nighters on a semester worth of class material. Surely that could not have been healthy. We go through life, making decisions of what we want to accomplish but often times procrastination is always lurking around. Why do we procrastinate? If we really wanted to do something, wouldn't we be excited about it instead of putting it off for later? This is something I am still figuring out myself.

After reading Napoleon Hill's books or listening to his recorded lectures, I often feel like a real BUM! Like how lazy can I be? He is always talking about how important it is for us to make plans and follow through with those plans with FULL FORCE! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE HIM and his teachings...but...I also think that it is okay for us to keep some of our human tendencies.

I mean, hello, we are all ambitious! And of course we want to write papers on invasive aquatic plants and grade homework and read scientific articles! Who doesn't!!...ACTUALLY let me rephrase that, OF COURSE WE WANT TO FINISH SCHOOL AND FINALLY HAVE OUR MASTER'S DEGREES!...but here procrastination is, knocking on my office door pushing to get in. So we know procrastination exists, now what do we do about it? Here are some things that have helped me:

1. Take lots and lots of breaks.
2. Make a schedule every single day.
3. Make sure I give myself enough time to accomplish goals.
4. Make sure I give myself more time to accomplish goals.
5. Dive right in without thinking.

Sometimes even if I take lots of breaks, and make a schedule, and give myself lots of time...I still can't get past procrastinating. I don't think that is something we should pound at ourselves for. I feel that once we accept that face that it is okay to procrastinate to a certain extent, we should accept it and accept ourselves. I know that it is a bad habit to keep but think about how much fun you have watching random youtube videos instead! That happiness and joy you feel has gotta count for something.

Bottom line. don't beat yourself up for procrastinating when you know that you will eventually get it done. Just enjoy the moment now without bringing tension and worry into the mix, you'll be far happier.


Thursday, September 15, 2016

Negative Thinking...Self Confidence...

Hello Universe, 

So this topic is a little raw for me. I always liked to imagine myself as confident and positive, but deep down I knew that I was neither of those. In fact I knew that if I wanted something too badly, I would not get it! I felt like I had to not want it or pretend to not want it to actually get it...LIKE SERIOUSLY! very twisted and such backwards way of life! So as you know, this summer has been revolutionary for me. I now know that GOOD THINGS DO HAPPEN TO ME! They happen to me all the time! I get whatever I want as long as that want and desire is attached to positive emotions and gratitude. But it hasn't always been this way...

One thing that I have been desperately working on is my self confidence. My self confidence has been tarnished, beat up, and run down by a oversized truck! By who you ask?....well... yours truly. We all go through life beating ourselves up mentally and emotionally. Have you ever sat down to just evaluate how you treat yourself? I had never done this, until recently. I noticed that although I love everyone around me SO MUCH, my family, my boyfriend, my friends, my students, my cat....I am cruelest to myself. 

I went through my entire life criticizing every choice I ever made, even if that choice brought me happiness! "You could have done better", I would say to myself. Can you imagine the effect this had on my self confidence? 

As you know, I am a teacher and when my students make mistakes I say, "Oh don't worry! Everyone makes mistakes, we are all human. You will get it next time!" Or if they come to me for advice I always encourage them to love themselves and not be so harsh. All this time I was such a hypocrite! I was giving advice that I was not taking myself...Let's just call it ignorance and this ignorance was not BLISS. I can't imagine saying the sorts of things I say to myself to my students! They would be crushed and hurt! Well then why do I say these things to myself?....I crush and hurt myself, when I should love myself THE MOST!

When trying to harness the universal power we think of negative thinking as an external factor. For an example, if we wake up and miss the bus we think, "OH GOD THIS DAY IS ALREADY STARTING TO SUCK!" Yes this is negative thinking, but so is this: "Why did I do that? How I can be so stupid! Ugh I am never gonna be as smart/beautiful/perfect..blah blah blah!" We are affecting the lives that we project by demeaning ourselves in this way. This is such a huge block for manifesting and increasing our frequency and vibrations! We must change not just how we perceive the world and others but how WE SEE OURSELVES! 

Today I am going to bed saying this affirmation: "I am a freaking rockstar. I am a badass. I am smart, loving, and generous. There is no one out there like me. I am special!" 


Saturday, September 10, 2016


The power of fear is very strong. It is so controlling and can take over your entire life if not careful. Recently I have been dealing a lot with fear...

The fear of starting a new business
The fear of writing my thesis
The fear of forgetting teaching material
The fear of getting hit by a car or dying of cancer

...Okay maybe the last fear is a little exaggerated and unnecessary, but we all have these fears from time to time. What most of us don't know is that fear is just a state of mind. We often go through our lives living in fear and never realizing the constraints it brings forth.

We are energetic beings and we vibrate with the energy we project. If we are living in fear or if our minds are in constant stage of fear, then we are projecting those fears into our lives. If we are too scared to take chances and do things that make us happy, then guess what?....our life will be full of unhappiness! If you want your life to change, the first thing you have to do is throw FEAR out of your life. I am not saying we shouldn't be caution, of course we should! We should always do our research before diving into something.  But if you are sitting in a job you hate, a job that you've been struggling through for 10 years and nothing has changed? Then I say this is where to kick fear's ass and QUIT your job! Jump into what you want to do NOW!

I recently decided to open my own tutoring office. In less than a month, I now have a website, an office, and some marketing campaigns (hm...still working out the kinks though). I would have never thought of doing something so drastic last year. Last year I was different. I let FEAR and WHAT IFs control me. I would constantly think about the future and try to plan for the worse. I didn't realize that was taking such a huge toll on my life! I was always tired, not just physically but mentally and emotionally. Ever since I kicked fear out of my life, things have gotten so much brighter! I now can go through my day without my head fogging up. I now can make choices and live in the now instead of planning for a future I don't even know will exist!

Things are not perfect though. I can feel the fear inside me trying to crawl back up everyday. Every day that goes by, my heart skips and screams, "WHAT IF I DON'T GET ANY CLIENTS?" Then rationally or irrationally at that, I scream back, "WHO CARES!" I am doing what I want to do. What is the worse that can happen?..uh that I don't get any clients?...well then...I guess I don't get to teach kids my wonderful knowledge. Then I will move on. I AM LIVING IN THE NOW. I am doing what feels good right now. Cheers =)

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Back to business

Okay hello World. I have been gone for quite some time. Lets do a recap on my journey thus far.

Last weekend I went to San Diego with my friends...and boy let me tell you, they are quite a depressed bunch. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends but there is no way in hell they try to use the universal power to gain happiness and abundance in life. Spending time with them put my life in perspective. Made me feel grateful of everything I have! Made me feel even more grateful on how happy I am and how I perceive the world around me. It was definitely a learning experience and I treasure that experience.

I also started work this week. I am now back to teaching teenagers. It is so refreshing conversing with people who are so bright eyed about their future. The stress has been getting to me lately, with my 80 page paper and all...and my business not picking up the way I had hoped. But I try to stay positive, even though my car is not starting and there was another parking ticket! HA! Gotta still be grateful for all the "unwanted" things that happen to us. BUT...

If you really think about, maybe my car not starting today was a miracle or gift from the universe. What if it had stopped when we were coming from San Diego? What if it didn't stop and continued working until things got really bad. I mean wouldn't I much rather have a parking ticket because I couldn't move my car then be stuck in the middle of the freeway? Thinking this way definitely puts things into perspective.

Anyway...what I am currently pursuing is to have a more GRATEFUL outlook on life. I am taking Pam Grout's advice from her new book, THANK AND GROW RICH: I wake up every morning, say that I will experience miracles and write three things that I am grateful for in my journal. I am also  reading Napoleon Hill's THINK AND GROW RICK and the LAW OF SUCCESS. =)

I will definitely stay up to date with my progress. CHAO!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Gratitude today was an interesting journey with the Universal Power. Let me start off by saying that I have been extremely happy and positive lately...which makes it feel like I am getting whatever I want!

Let me actually start off by telling you about myself (not that anyone is reading this except for me -__-). I am a teacher, I teach high school math and science and I LOVE it. Recently after reading countless books on Universal Power, I started meditating and listening to the Universe. The Universe told me to open a tutoring center. But it started off as just an idea in my head, mind you that idea was there for years! But for some reason, this time it was different. I spent the next few days planning, reading, and researching because according to Cara Alwill Leyba and Jen Sincero, if you want something GO FOR IT. Make it happen! "Turn your dreams into ergency!"

That is precisely what I did. I honestly don't know how I did it. When I think about it now, it seems like such a blurr. Well fast forward a few days to I have my very own office! Who knew! Granted I don't have any clients yet but if you want something you gotta work a little at it. I am not a master manifestor, or even an average one at that so it will take some time. I am trying to work on the whole "SURRENDER TO THE UNIVERSE"'s still a little complicated for me.

I know that my business will be successful. I just wish I could work on it every second of my waking day. Another thing that I am working on is my Master's Thesis Project. Yes, I am in a graduate program. AND LET ME TELL YOU, full-time working and full-time schooling is NO joke! These past 2 years have been painstakingly painful! I had to give up my weekends and write papers ALL DAY while working. But it will be worth it because come December--YOU MAY CALL ME MASTER...MASTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (my degree).

All jokes aside, I have never been a positive person, so seeing these changes in me these past few weeks is astronomical. Even my boyfriend noticed =)

So instead of telling you my life story, I am going to list all the great things that happened to me today to show my gratitude:

1. Remember the $2500 charge? Capital One said they would take care of it. BOOM! =D


3. My cat was totally hilarious today. First thing in the morning while I was um..sitting on the toilet...she decides to use her litter box. She jumps out (like always) but this time decides to rub her A** all over my bathroom rug. DISGUSTING yet HILARIOUS!

4. So I thought google charged me $15 for nothing and I called my bank and disputed it because "HELLO I didn't wanna get hacked!". And it turns out it was something I purchased for my business AND I had to call back and un-dispute it. I guess this was "my own cosmic joke." --Thanks Pam.

5. I have 30 pages of my 60 page paper written...mind you it's horrible writing, even worse than this blog but it's something. And if I am gonna focus on my business I need to get this SH** done.

6. Tomorrow I leave for San Diego to hang out with my wonderful galpals from college. HELLO ALCOHOL.

7. I start my wonderful job tomorrow, well a faculty meeting but still. I mentioned that I was a teacher right? And how I got 3 months off this year PAID! So...I traveled to Malaysia, Hawaii, and Disneyland. It was the best summer of my life.

--The only reason I am stopping here is because I don't want this to go on and on, but believe me in my journal I LIST EVERYTHING, or I will list everything before bed. I am also currently reading: THANK RICH AND GROW RICH by Pam Grout.


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Power of the Universe in Me.. and Self-Help Books

Here is a story of my journey. My journey to learn about the universe and all its powers! If you are like me, you too have read countless Self-Help books. I remember when I first watched the documentary"the Secret" and thought "come on really? this is such a scam." Granted I only got through the first five minutes of it until I had to shut if off! My boyfriend and I just rolled our eyes and went back to our hardworking college lives. Fast forward a few years and here I am, an advocate of "MANIFESTING YOUR OWN REALITY!" not a complete advocate but I am definitely trying to shift my perception.

I first got really into Self-Help books when I got Kindle Unlimited and read Richard Dotts, "Playing in Space and Time." That book completely blew my mind! I then continued to read all his other books, also falling in love with them because they are all great! BUT as you know, sometimes life gets in the way, so..being me.. I got caught up in life.  With a new job and commuting and school and family and blah blah blah, life got tough. That is where my journey with the "Selp-Help" ended, for the time being...until very recently.

You know what they say is true, the universe IS constantly throwing things at you that you need! But do we ever stop to listen?...NO. We just simply continue with our egotistical lives focusing on all the unimportant things and wonder why things can't be different? Well HELLO! It can be different! We just aren't paying attention! When you start paying attention, you see all the little ways your life falls together in place, it's quite incredible actually.

Here is where I want to life is not at all perfect (not now anyway *smerk*). I do have bills, debt, a studio that is way too tiny, etc. (In fact today I got charged $2500 on my credit card because a refund that I was supposed to get did not get authorized! I hate airlines!)

But anyway, when I sat down one day and listened to Pam Grout's suggestion to "list my blessings" (I don't think this was an exact quote but whatever you get the point)...guess what I found? I found that HELLO MY LIFE IS INCREDIBLE! I have so much to be thankful for! And you know what? Since that night, things started coming together. More glorious Self-Help books fell into my lap and THEY ARE AMAZING:

1. E-cubed, by Pam Grout
2. You are a Badass, by Jen Sincero.
3. Girl Code, by Cara Alwill Leyba.

Although these books are very different, their underlying idea is: LOVE  and RESPECT YOURSELF, SHOW GRATITUDE.

So here I am, starting a blog about my journey to connect with the universe. We will see how it goes but I know it will be great! My thoughts will become my reality =)

If you are reading this, I would love to hear about your journey as well so please connect with me and share your stories!

--Aartika =)